The golf swing is primarily a rotational movement. Just about every body part rotates in various planes during the golf swing. The center of the body (a.k.a. the "core") links the upper and lower bodies and when strong, creates a power generating base to maximize speed and leverage. The core is made up of the abdominal, lumbar, glut and pelvic floor muscles. Exercises that work these muscles are called core stabilization exercises.
In order to have the most carryover in regard to creating a strong, powerful golf swing, core stabilization exercises should mimic the movements and positions of the swing as much as possible-mainly into rotation. Strengthening the core muscles will not only increase swing power it will also protect the lumbar spine which takes a beating with excessive rotation especially when in a forward bending position (the golf swing!). The #1 injury and complaint that golfers have and see me for is pain in their lower back.
Numerous swing faults can and will occur if your core is weak including loss of posture, early extension, coming over-the-top, sway, slide, reverse spine angle, and hanging back. A lot of these swing faults can occur even when your core is strong if you have not had good golf swing instruction from a teaching professional. Swing faults are basically compensations to get the club face to the ball but they create biomechanical inefficiencies and the increase the potential for injury.
Core exercises are good for most dynamic activities (like living life!) but they are especially important for athletes participating in sports. The core exercises I have included below are from a golf performance class that I taught this past winter and all require engagement/contraction of the abdominals prior to and throughout the exercise.
Single Leg Bridges
Single leg bridges increase strength in the glutes, hamstrings and low back muscles. Start with one leg on the ball and the other leg in the air, brace your abdominals by slightly drawing your navel down toward your spine and lift your hips upward exhaling as you go, hold for 1-2 seconds at the top and slowly lower as you inhale. Touch your hips to the floor and immediately repeat.
Standing Theraband Resisted Trunk Rotation and Sidestep
This exercise increases strength in the oblique abdominals (the prime rotators of the trunk) and the lateral glutes (muscles on the side of your hips which stabilize you laterally during the golf swing) moving through the impact zone. Place a loop of theraband around your ankles and grab a theraband anchored at elbow height. Engage the abdominals and simultaneously rotate and sidestep to the left. Slowly return to starting position allowing a controlled movement (you are still exercising!) and repeat.
Swiss Ball Plank Exercise
The plank is a classic core exercise that mainly strengthens your upper abdominals and your hip flexors. Start by engaging your abdominals. Place elbows on the ball with feet together and shoulders lined up vertical to your elbows. Maintain a flat back (for example, no arching up or down of the low back) and either hold this position for time or consider moving the ball in small ways including forward/back, side to side, in diagonals or in circles. The further the ball is rolled forward the harder this exercise becomes.
Doing core stabilization exercises are much more interesting and challenging than seated weight machines and do a superior job of strengthening you for positions and movements that really matter in daily life and sport (especially golf!). Consider getting a hold of one of our golf performance specialists for a golf specific assessment and fitness plan to maximize your core strength and golfing potential.
Are you looking for the best golf fitness articles? Then log on to our site at
http://www.therapeuticassociates.com/locations/oregon/central-oregon/athletic-club-of-bend/ and get some helpful information.
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http://www.therapeuticassociates.com/locations/oregon/central-oregon/athletic-club-of-bend/ and get some helpful information.
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